A Unique Advertising Opportunity

We are interested in partnering with local and national businesses that offer products or services that are relevant to our hyper-local readership. A marketing program can be tailored to meet your business needs and is highly targeted to the Barrington area.

At A Glance Stats

The Barrington SCOOP is currently one of the largest social news networks in the area with over 11,000 social media followers, over 175,000 weekly social media impressions and a 35% click through rate (across Instagram and Facebook).

Content Contributors

We are always looking for local content contributors with expertise in areas of interest to our hyper-local readers - parenting, health, food and drink, fashion, home, travel, books, shopping and more. If you are interested, please submit a brief description of your background and area of interest below.

Have a Story Idea?

We want to hear from you….